Thomas Stubbs

Reader in Global Political Economy



A Thousand Cuts: Social Protection in the Age of Austerity

Alexandros Kentikelenis, Thomas Stubbs

Oxford University Press, New York, NY, 2023

Journal articles

Social protection and the International Monetary Fund: Promise versus performance

Alexandros Kentikelenis, Thomas Stubbs

Globalization & Health, vol. 20(1), 2024, p. 41

Structural adjustment, alienation, and mass protest

Bernhard Reinsberg, Thomas Stubbs, Louis Bujnoch

Social Science Research, vol. 109, 2023, p. 102777

The return of austerity imperils global health

Thomas Stubbs, Alexander Kentikelenis, Daniela Gabor, Jayati Ghosh, Martin McKee

BMJ Global Health, vol. 8(2), 2023, pp. e011620

Austerity redux: The post-pandemic wave of budget cuts and the future of global public health

Alexander Kentikelenis, Thomas Stubbs

Global Policy, vol. 13(1), 2022, pp. 5-17

Compliance, defiance, and the dependency trap: International Monetary Fund program interruptions and their impact on capital markets

Bernhard Reinsberg, Thomas Stubbs, Alexander Kentikelenis

Regulation & Governance, vol. 16(4), 2022, pp. 1022-1041

Unimplementable by design? Understanding (non-)compliance with International Monetary Fund policy conditionality

Bernhard Reinsberg, Thomas Stubbs, Alexander Kentikelenis

Governance, vol. 35(3), 2022, pp. 689-715

Poverty, inequality, and the International Monetary Fund: How austerity hurts the poor and widens inequality

Thomas Stubbs, Alexander Kentikelenis, Rebecca Ray, Kevin Gallagher

Journal of Globalization and Development, vol. 13(1), 2022, pp. 61-89

Creating crony capitalism: Neoliberal globalization and the fueling of corruption

Bernhard Reinsberg, Alexander Kentikelenis, Thomas Stubbs

Socio-Economic Review, vol. 19(2), 2021, pp. 607-634

Condicionalidad y deuda soberana: Un panorama general de sus implicancias en los derechos humanos

Thomas Stubbs, Alexander Kentikelenis

Revista Derechos en Acción, vol. 18, 2021, pp. 173-215

Whatever it takes? The global financial safety net, Covid-19, and developing countries

Thomas Stubbs, William Kring, Christina Laskaridis, Alexander Kentikelenis, Kevin Gallagher

World Development, vol. 137, 2021, p. 105171

Globalization and health equity: The impact of structural adjustment programs on developing countries

Timon Forster, Alexander Kentikelenis, Thomas Stubbs, Lawrence King

Social Science & Medicine, vol. 267, 2020, p. 112496

Taxing the people, not trade: The International Monetary Fund and the structure of taxation in developing countries

Bernhard Reinsberg, Thomas Stubbs, Alexander Kentikelenis

Studies in Comparative International Development, vol. 55(3), 2020, pp. 278-304

Bad governance: How privatization increases corruption in the developing world

Bernhard Reinsberg, Thomas Stubbs, Alexander Kentikelenis, Lawrence King

Regulation & Governance, vol. 14(4), 2020, pp. 698-717

How to evaluate the effects of IMF conditionality: An extension of quantitative approaches and an empirical application to public education spending

Thomas Stubbs, Bernhard Reinsberg, Alexander Kentikelenis, Lawrence King

Review of International Organizations, vol. 15, 2020, pp. 29-73

The International Monetary Fund’s interventions in food and agriculture: An analysis of loans and conditions

Adel Daoud, Bernhard Reinsberg, Alexander Kentikelenis, Thomas Stubbs, Lawrence King

Food Policy, vol. 83, 2019, pp. 204-218

How structural adjustment programs affect inequality: A disaggregated analysis of IMF conditionality, 1980–2014

Timon Forster, Alexander Kentikelenis, Bernhard Reinsberg, Thomas Stubbs, Lawrence King

Social Science Research, vol. 80, 2019, pp. 83-113

The world system and the hollowing out of state capacity: How structural adjustment programs affect bureaucratic quality in developing countries

Bernhard Reinsberg, Alexander Kentikelenis, Thomas Stubbs, Lawrence King

American Journal of Sociology, vol. 124(4), 2019, pp. 1222-1257

The political economy of labor market deregulation during IMF interventions

Bernhard Reinsberg, Thomas Stubbs, Alexander Kentikelenis, Lawrence King

International Interactions, vol. 45(3), 2019, pp. 532-559

Impact of International Monetary Fund programs on child health

Adel Daoud, Elias Nosrati, Bernhard Reinsberg, Alexander Kentikelenis, Thomas Stubbs, Lawrence King

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 114(25), 2017, pp. 6492-6497

International financial institutions and human rights: Implications for public health

Thomas Stubbs, Alexander Kentikelenis

Public Health Reviews, vol. 38, 2017, p. 27

The impact of IMF conditionality on government health expenditure: A cross-national analysis of 16 West African nations

Thomas Stubbs, Alexander Kentikelenis, David Stuckler, Martin McKee, Lawrence King

Social Science & Medicine, vol. 174, 2017, pp. 220-227

Structural adjustment programmes adversely affect vulnerable populations: A systematic-narrative review of their effect on child and maternal health

Michael Thomson, Alexander Kentikelenis, Thomas Stubbs

Public Health Reviews, vol. 38, 2017, p. 13

IMF conditionality and development policy space, 1985–2014

Alexander Kentikelenis, Thomas Stubbs, Lawrence King

Review of International Political Economy, vol. 23(4), 2016, pp. 543-582

Competition states in the neoliberal era: Towards third-generation regulation theory

David Neilson, Thomas Stubbs

Competition & Change, vol. 20(2), 2016, pp. 122-144

Catalyzing aid? The IMF and donor behavior in aid allocation

Thomas Stubbs, Alexander Kentikelenis, Lawrence King

World Development, vol. 78, 2016, pp. 511-528

Structural adjustment and public spending on health: Evidence from IMF programs in low-income countries

Alexander Kentikelenis, Thomas Stubbs, Lawrence King

Social Science & Medicine, vol. 126, 2015, pp. 169-176

Economic growth, financial crisis, and property rights: Observer bias in perception-based measures

Thomas Stubbs, Lawrence King, David Stuckler

International Review of Applied Economics, vol. 28(3), 2014, pp. 401-418

Relative surplus population and uneven development in the neoliberal era: Theory and empirical application

David Neilson, Thomas Stubbs

Capital & Class, vol. 35(3), 2011, pp. 435-453

Journal commentaries

Softening the blow of the pandemic: Will the International Monetary Fund and World Bank make things worse?

Alexander Kentikelenis, Daniela Gabor, Isabel Ortiz, Thomas Stubbs, Martin McKee, David Stuckler

The Lancet Global Health, vol. 8(6), 2020, pp. e758-e759

Targeted social safeguards in the age of universal social protection: The IMF and health systems of low-income countries

Thomas Stubbs, Alexander Kentikelenis

Critical Public Health, vol. 28(2), 2018, pp. 132-139

The IMF and government health expenditure: A response to Sanjeev Gupta

Thomas Stubbs, Alexander Kentikelenis, David Stuckler, Martin McKee, Lawrence King

Social Science & Medicine, vol. 181, 2017, pp. 202-204

Book chapters

Neoliberalism and health in global context: The role of international organizations

Timon Forster, Thomas Stubbs, Alexandros Kentikelenis

David Primrose, Rodney Loeppky, Robin Chang, The Routledge Handbook of the Political Economy of Health and Healthcare, Routledge, 2024, pp. 154-165

The politics of the International Monetary Fund

Timon Forster, Thomas Stubbs, Alexander Kentikelenis

Melisa Deciancio, Pablo Nemiña, Diana Tussie, Handbook on the Politics of International Development, Edward Elgar, 2022, pp. 376-391

Austerity rerun

Isabel Ortiz, Thomas Stubbs

Chiara Bodini, Ronald Labonté, Global Health Watch 6: In the Shadow of the Pandemic, Bloomsbury Academic, London, 2022, pp. 193-210

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Thomas Stubbs

Christina Binder, Manfred Nowak, Jane A. Hofbauer, Philipp Janig, Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2022, pp. 282-287

Conditionality and sovereign debt: An overview of human rights implications

Thomas Stubbs, Alexander Kentikelenis

Ilias Bantekas, Cephas Lumina, Sovereign Debt and Human Rights, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018, pp. 359-380

A statistical portrait of the New Zealand precariat

William Cochrane, Thomas Stubbs, Mohi Rua, Darrin Hodgetts

Shiloh Groot, Clifford van Ommen, Bridgette Masters-Awatere, Natasha Tassell-Matamua, Precarity: Uncertain, Insecure, and Unequal Lives in Aotearoa New Zealand, Massey University Press, Auckland, 2017, pp. 27-36

The Māori precariat: A silhouette

Thomas Stubbs, William Cochrane, Lynley Uerata, Darrin Hodgetts, Mohi Rua

Shiloh Groot, Clifford van Ommen, Bridgette Masters-Awatere, Natasha Tassell-Matamua, Precarity: Uncertain, Insecure, and Unequal Lives in Aotearoa New Zealand, Massey University Press, Auckland, 2017, pp. 115--123

Ethnopolitics and the military in Kenya

Thomas Stubbs

Daniel Zirker, Forging Military Identity in Culturally Pluralistic Societies: Quasi-Ethnicity, Lexington Books, Lanham, MD, 2015, pp. 69-88

Policy reports

Off track: The long road to mainstreaming climate action into IMF lending

Alexandros Kentikelenis, Thomas Stubbs

Recourse, Amsterdam, 2024

Greening IMF lending: Elusive prospects, mixed evidence

Alexandros Kentikelenis, Thomas Stubbs

Recourse, Amsterdam, 2024

IMF social spending floors: A fig leaf for austerity?

Alexandros Kentikelenis, Thomas Stubbs

Oxfam International, Oxford, 2023

IMF lending and the road to green transition: One step forward, one step back

Thomas Stubbs, Alexandros Kentikelenis

Recourse, Amsterdam, 2023

Blind spots: The green transition and the IMF's economic surveillance

Thomas Stubbs, Alexandros Kentikelenis

Recourse, Amsterdam, 2023

The IMF and the road to a green and inclusive recovery after Covid-19

Alexander Kentikelenis, Thomas Stubbs, Bernhard Reinsberg

Cambridge Centre for Business Research, Cambridge, 2022

Mixed messages: IMF loans and the green transition in Argentina and Pakistan

Thomas Stubbs, Alexander Kentikelenis

Recourse, Amsterdam, 2022

Cautious optimism: How IMF economic surveillance can foster the green transition

Thomas Stubbs, Alexander Kentikelenis

Recourse, Amsterdam, 2022

Missing links: How climate change remains peripheral to IMF economic surveillance activities

Alexander Kentikelenis, Thomas Stubbs

Recourse, Amsterdam, 2021

Out of the shadows: Integrating climate change into IMF technical assistance

Alexander Kentikelenis, Thomas Stubbs

Recourse, Amsterdam, 2021

Precariat Māori households today

Mohi Rua, Darrin Hodgetts, Ottilie Stolte, Delta King, William Cochrane, Thomas Stubbs, Rolinda Karapu, Eddie Neha, Kerry Chamberlain, Tiniwai Te Whetu, Ngahuia Te Awekotuku, Jarrod Harr, Shiloh Groot

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, Auckland, 2019

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